Malibu Alexander Technique Retreat 2012


by Ellen Bierhorst ~ Can I really communicate the significance? Halfway through my fourth year as an Alexander Technique teacher, my fortieth year as a psychologist, I took a wild, extravagant notion to attend the Alexander Technique Workshops International six-day workshop in Malibu with Michael Frederick, Giora Pinkas, Lynn Charleson Klein, Frances Marsden, Carol Prentis, and special guest Rome Roberts Earle.  I’d never given myself such a lavish treat.  I had no idea what I’d be getting into; had some vague ideas of a kind of six-day AGM.  Not at all! I had no understanding of what it could do for me to be with twenty-five-plus other teachers and students in an intimate retreat setting with six master teachers.  It was a more concentrated infusion of Inhibition and Direction than even my training course experience.  The setting was a quiet and exceedingly beautiful sanctuary, the Serra (Franciscan) Retreat Center overlooking the blue Pacific.  Comfortable bedrooms, good food; congenial, supportive Alexander people all around.  The spirit of the group was what … Continue reading

The Alexander Technique During Pregnancy


by Kristen Thomas Fryer ~ Very recently I had the privilege of working with a woman using The Alexander Technique during her pregnancy.  She had an amazing pregancy; the kind other women envy.  I teach a Pilates class mixed with The Alexander Technique. No one else in the class was with child but being the community we are we wanted very much for our soon-to-be-mama to stay with us for as long as possible. We modified our workout to avoid laying on our back for long periods of time, did more standing work, and limited her stretching to well before her maximum to protect her ligaments and joints. We used special props to give her added support when we were doing things that were out of her range of comfortable.  Overall she found The Alexander Technique during pregnancy very helpful. It is important to note that our mama in question was taking the Pilates portion of this class for 3 years prior to pregancy.  She had the all clear from her OB-GYN to continue this vein of exercise.  Women … Continue reading