The Alexander Technique Guild of Ohio welcomes all certified Alexander Technique teachers residing in Ohio (and Northern Kentucky) to become an active member of the Guild.
Being a member of ATGO is a great way to increase online presence for your private Alexander practice, help build awareness of the Technique in your community, and network with other teachers by sharing ideas and resources with colleagues. Membership in ATGO is FREE to ALL certified Alexander Technique teachers in Ohio and the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati area. We welcome your participation!
ATGO Co-Directors:
David Nesmith
Jennifer Roig-Francolí
Kristen Thomas-Fryer
How to become a member
First . . . send the contact information you would like to see on your webpage listing to David Nesmith at: [monkey] [at] [alexanderguild] [dot] [org]
Second . . . Help us maintain the website! Please consider supporting ATGO with a donation online via PayPal or by mail. There are 5 support levels:
- Micro Monkey $5.00
- Shallow Monkey $10
- Medium Monkey $15
- Deep Monkey $20
- Lunge! $25
- Choose your support level in the dropdown box below, then click Support ATGO!
When you donate via PayPal, the donation goes to David Nesmith – SmartPoise. David is a co-director of ATGO and maintains and updates the website. If you prefer not to use PayPal, please send a check made out to David Nesmith:
David Nesmith
PO Box 12151
Columbus, OH 43212
Some ways to make the best use of our organization:
- Set up your profile page and list your private practice in our online directory.
- Increase visibility and promote your business by contributing articles about the Technique and your private practice through our Guild Magazine on this website.
- List any current events or special offers.
- Network with other Guild members to share marketing resources and teaching materials through this website, so you don’t always have to start from scratch when you need new materials.
- Plan workshops in your community (free or paid) and join together with other Guild members to leverage your teaching effectiveness during workshops, so that more people can receive hands-on support while you teach.
- Brainstorm events and come together with other Guild members to celebrate International Alexander Technique Awareness Week.
- Help organize and/or attend Guild-sponsored activities to support the Alexander Technique community and continuing education for teachers in Ohio.
- Receive Guild-members-only discounts to Guild-sponsored events.
Submitting website content
The Events and Special Offers pages are updated periodically. The deadline for submitting an event or special offer is two weeks before an event or offer is scheduled to begin. Please feel free to submit events/offers past the two-week deadline, but inclusion on the website will not be guaranteed. Please send events/offers material to David Nesmith, our website specialist. When sending events for the calendar, please include the following information:
- Event Title
- Location
- Starting and ending dates
- Starting and ending times
- Description of the event
- Is it a one-time only event, or a recurring event
- Who is the event for?
- the public
- Alexander teachers
- Alexander teachers and trainees
ATGO Online Magazine
Postings to the Guild Magazine are published periodically. Please submit articles to one of our Co-Directors for review. All submissions will be reviewed by all three Co-Directors; acceptance for publication is dependent on approval by all three Co-Directors. The Guild reserves the right to publish articles in the form that they are submitted (without further editing), to edit articles or suggest that the author make changes, to reject submissions without detailed explanation, and to add or substitute photos appropriate to article content. Nothing will be published without the author’s final approval if any editing takes place. Guild members are encouraged to submit articles often! Articles should be 1200 words or less.
The Alexander Technique Guide of Ohio does not certify or monitor professional development of its members. Each member is already required to follow the training, ethics, and professional development guidelines of their certifying organization. Additionally, this website is designed to provide accurate information in regard to the subject matter covered. If medical, psychological, or any other expert assistance is required, the services of competent professional persons should be sought.