A Performer’s Journey with The Alexander Technique

by Lindsey Goodman ~  Five mornings prior to making my professional singing debut as soloist with orchestra this December (2012), I awoke with almost no voice.  The first near-panicked text message went to my vocal teacher, the second to my husband, and the third to my Alexander Technique instructor.  … Continue reading

The Alexander Technique in Schools?

by Kristen Thomas Fryer ~ I am often faced with the reality that people find me late in the game. Meaning, they could have prevented so many of their issues had they found my work earlier in their life.  It’s left me wondering what would have happened to all these thirty somethings with tight backs, baby boomers with kyphosis and old folks with ribs resting on their pelvic girdles, if I had worked with them as children?  F.M. Alexander dreamed his work would be done with kids.   … Continue reading