Alexander Technique Alerts

by David Nesmith ~ We all know how to search the web with a variety of search engines.  Did you know that you can set up an automatic daily search for any term or expression?  Many months ago I did just that with the phrase, “Alexander Technique.”  By using Google Alerts, I receive an email once each day listing anything new or updated on the web and in the news about The Alexander Technique.  I am continually amazed and impressed with how awareness of The Alexander Technique is growing throughout the world.  Here are just a few of my favorite “finds” via my Google Alert. … Continue reading

Conversation with David Nesmith

[Originally published in the June 2012 Exchange Journal of Alexander Technique International. Reprinted with permission.] By MaryJean Allen ~David Nesmith is a certified Alexander Technique teacher who completed his training via apprentice style. A licensed Body Mapping teacher, horn teacher, and a professional hornist, David describes himself as an enthusiastic musician, hiker, and salsa dancer. David created several fabulous audio guides to facilitate Constructive Rest. David’s “means whereby” to create his audio guides is the focus of this article. … Continue reading