The Alexander Technique in Schools?

by Kristen Thomas Fryer ~ I am often faced with the reality that people find me late in the game. Meaning, they could have prevented so many of their issues had they found my work earlier in their life.  It’s left me wondering what would have happened to all these thirty somethings with tight backs, baby boomers with kyphosis and old folks with ribs resting on their pelvic girdles, if I had worked with them as children?  F.M. Alexander dreamed his work would be done with kids.   … Continue reading

Alexander Technique Alerts

by David Nesmith ~ We all know how to search the web with a variety of search engines.  Did you know that you can set up an automatic daily search for any term or expression?  Many months ago I did just that with the phrase, “Alexander Technique.”  By using Google Alerts, I receive an email once each day listing anything new or updated on the web and in the news about The Alexander Technique.  I am continually amazed and impressed with how awareness of The Alexander Technique is growing throughout the world.  Here are just a few of my favorite “finds” via my Google Alert. … Continue reading

Healing, Joy, and Success!

by Jennifer Roig-Francoli  ~ The Alexander Technique …is a way to stop and re-direct yourself for healing, joy, and success! I think we all know, deep down, that we are doing something “wrong” in our lives; something elusive which is keeping us from healing our pain (physical or otherwise), feeling joy, and being as successful as we could be. … Continue reading