13 Ways of Looking at Constructive Rest

Submitted by Ben Flanders http://spontaneouscoordination.drupalgardens.com/blog —  With apologies to Wallace Stevens. If you haven’t read his poem “Thirteen ways of looking at a blackbird” go and do that right now. He makes ya think… http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/174503 —  Constructive rest is not one thing. It can be different things to different people, and it can be different things to the same person on different days (or times of day, or moods or…well you get the idea.) Here are my humble thoughts on just a few ways to practice constructive rest. 1. Progressive Relaxation: start with the muscles around the eyes and the face, work your way down. Go as deep or shallow as you like. 2. Coordinated Breathing: rest one hand on your chest and one on your belly, notice where you tend to expand, and play with letting the movement of the breathing flow throughout your whole torso  (or chest, or ribs, or hips…) 3. Nap: Sometimes we’re just fried. Take a nap on the floor or a mat for 20 minutes. Set … Continue reading

Non-Doing: The Alexander Technique’s Guide to Self Awareness


by Kristen Fryer ~ Non-Doing, otherwise known as inhibition or unlearning, might normally be considered a negative ideal to pursue.  Who is really interested in spending time unlearning, not doing and being inhibited?  No, people are much more enthusiastic about what your doing, what you’ve been learning, and hope that you are fully engaged in life and not being inhibited!  I confess, I too see the logic in the case for ‘doing’.  It definitely resonates deep in the recesses of my Aries nature to be involved in as many activities as I can squeeze into one lifetime.  Now you might be sensing that this conversation is about to make a case for non-doing and it is.  You might be wondering how I can even waste my breath defending it but I will and I hope you will stay to see The Alexander Techniques philosophy about non-doing and how much value it can bring to people’s lives.  It certainly has saved mine!!! Non-Doing is The Alexander Techniques’ Guide to self-awareness. … Continue reading