Cinda ThomasContact


Cinda’s first Alexander Technique experience was in 1987 at the University of Georgia: an introductory workshop for musicians. She had no idea what she was in for, but her voice teacher recommended AT because Cinda experienced pain on a daily basis, and had for years. But for one brief moment, when working with the AT teacher, Cinda walked as if she was walking on air, her pain diminished, her neck grew as long as ET from the movie, and her singing tone improved. After that Cinda was hooked.

Cinda’s first teachers were Nancy Romita and Wendy Salkind in Baltimore, MD. One year after moving to Baltimore, Cinda began her teacher training with the Alexander Alliance in Philadelphia (now The Philadelphia School for the Alexander Technique). Her primary teachers were Bruce Fertman and Martha Hansen Fertman, but she trained with many other teachers at the school, including Elisabeth and Lucia Walker, and AmSAT certified teachers Barbara Kent, Judy Stern, Michael Frederick, and Lyn Charelsen Klein. Cinda has also studied with John Nicholls and has taken his course, The Carrington Way of Working in NY. While living in Baltimore, MD Cinda took the opportunity to take refresher teacher workshops with Daria Okugawa, co-founder of the Alexander Technique Training Center in Charlottesville, VA. She also studied extensively with Meade Andrews and Cynthia Mauney. Other teachers include Robyn Avalon, Piedro De Alcantara, and Jessica Wolf (The Art of Breathing). Cinda became certified with ATI in 2002.

Cinda is also singer and voice instructor. She has a BME and a MM from Ohio University and a DMA (Voice Performance) from The University of Georgia. Cinda has taught voice for over 35 years, teaching voice and related classes for Henderson State University, Cornell College, The Peabody Preparatory, The Morgan State University, and UMBC. She has maintained a private voice studio for the past 20 years in Baltimore, MD, Santa Cruz, CA and presently, Bremen, OH: The Bremen Voice Studio: Sing Healthy-Your Potential-Your Best.

Cinda has taught Alexander Technique lessons, workshops, and classes from the East to the West Coast and her AT students have ranged in age from 11-85. She has taught people from a variety of careers and professions, many suffering from pain. Cinda has also worked with a number of performers and has quite a lot of experience teaching AT to high school singers, musicians, and actors. Her voice students have the added benefit of working with a voice teacher capable of recognizing and reducing harmful tensions, as well as teaching her voice students how to apply AT principles while singing. Currently Cinda teaches privately outside of Bremen (Fairfield County) and is available for onsite lessons, workshops, and classes. Contact Cinda about her most recent AT workshop: The Mindful Performer.